It is meant for men who are facing erectile dysfunction. After taking the drug one will be able to experience increased blood flow to their penis. It is also beneficial to treat situations like enlarged prostate and BHP where a man face difficulty in weak stream, uneven flow or urine, etc.
- Usage:
Tadana Drive is meant for erectile dysfunction and its starting dosage is 40mg which is needed before any sexual activity. However, a person can increase the dosage to 80mg and even decrease it to 20mg depending on the efficacy or tolerability.
- The right way to take:
The drug helps in improving the erectile functions in comparison to placebo for around 36 hours after the dose. However, it is necessary that a person shouldn’t take the drug for more than one time in a day. One can take BPH of 5mg at the same time daily. It can be taken with or without food.
- Storage:
It is better to keep the drug away from the reach of the children. Also, store it in a dry and close place.
- Side effects
The side effects of Tadana Drive can be nausea, indigestion, dizziness, flushing, loss of hearing, change in color vision, etc.